android styles and themes


In Android, Styles and Themes are used to define the visual appearance of an application's user interface. Styles are used to define the appearance of individual UI elements, while Themes are used to define the overall look and feel of an application.

Here are some key points to know about Android Styles and Themes:

  1. Styles are used to define the appearance of individual UI elements, such as buttons, text views, and image views.

  2. Styles are defined in XML files, which are located in the res/values directory of an Android project.

  3. Styles can be applied to UI elements using the "style" attribute in the XML layout file.

  4. Themes are used to define the overall look and feel of an application, including colors, fonts, and other visual elements.

  5. Themes are defined in XML files, which are located in the res/values directory of an Android project.

  6. Themes can be applied to an entire application or to individual activities.

  7. Android provides a set of pre-defined styles and themes, which can be customized and extended by developers.

  8. Styles and Themes can be inherited from other styles and themes, allowing developers to reuse and modify existing definitions.