android loading spinner

A loading spinner is a visual indicator that informs the user that the app is busy processing something and that they need to wait until the processing is complete. Android provides a built-in component called ProgressBar that can be used to display a loading spinner. Here are the steps to add a loading spinner to your Android app:

  1. Add ProgressBar to your layout: You can add a ProgressBar to your layout XML file using the following code:
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    android:layout_centerInParent="true" />

This code will add a ProgressBar to your layout and center it in the parent view.

  1. Show and hide the ProgressBar: You can show and hide the ProgressBar using the setVisibility method. Here is an example code snippet that shows how to show and hide the ProgressBar:
ProgressBar progressBar = findViewById(;

// Show the progress bar

// Hide the progress bar

You can call these methods wherever you need to show or hide the ProgressBar in your app.

  1. Customize the ProgressBar: You can customize the appearance of the ProgressBar using XML attributes such as android:indeterminateDrawable, android:progressDrawable, and android:background. For example, you can change the color of the ProgressBar by setting the android:progressTint attribute:
    android:progressTint="@color/progress_bar_color" />

These are the basic steps to add a loading spinner to your Android app using the ProgressBar component. Note that there are other ways to display a loading spinner in Android, such as using a custom view or library. You can choose the method that best fits your app's requirements.