android textureview

Android TextureView is a View subclass that allows you to display a video or OpenGL ES rendering on a View hierarchy. It is a powerful tool for creating rich visual experiences in your Android apps.

TextureView works by creating a SurfaceTexture, which is a special kind of texture that can be used as a rendering target for OpenGL ES. You can then draw onto the SurfaceTexture using an OpenGL ES context, or by sending video frames to it.

TextureView is especially useful when you need to display live video or other dynamic visual content, as it can be updated in real-time. Unlike traditional Views, TextureView does not use a separate SurfaceView to display content, which makes it more flexible and easier to work with.

To use TextureView in your app, you'll need to create an instance of the TextureView class and add it to your layout. Then, you can use it to display video or OpenGL ES content by configuring the SurfaceTexture and using it to render frames.