android animations


Android provides various animation APIs that allow developers to create engaging and interactive user interfaces. Animations can be used to provide feedback, enhance usability, and make the application more visually appealing. Here are some of the animation APIs available in Android:

  1. View Animation: This is a simple animation that can be applied to individual views. View animations can be used to animate basic transformations, such as scaling, translating, rotating, and alpha fading.

  2. Property Animation: Property Animation allows animating any property of a View, including the position, size, alpha, and rotation. Property Animation is more flexible than View Animation because it can animate any property of any object, not just Views.

  3. Drawable Animation: Drawable Animation allows animating a series of Drawable resources. This type of animation can be used to create frame-by-frame animations.

  4. Animated Vector Drawable: Animated Vector Drawable allows creating vector-based animations. It can be used to animate complex vector graphics and can be applied to individual Views or as background drawables.

  5. Layout Animation: Layout Animation allows animating the entire layout of a ViewGroup, including the addition or removal of Views.

  6. Transitions: Transitions allow animating changes between two Views. It can be used to animate transitions between activities or fragments, and it supports a variety of transitions, such as slide, fade, and explode.

Here is an example code snippet that shows how to create a simple View Animation:

// Load the animation from the XML file
Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade_in);

// Find the View to animate
View view = findViewById(;

// Start the animation on the View

In this example, we load a View Animation from an XML file and apply it to a View using the startAnimation() method. The animation will cause the View to fade in over a specified duration.