android localization


Localization in Android refers to the process of adapting an app to display content in different languages and regions. Android provides built-in support for localization, allowing you to create an app that can be easily adapted to display content in multiple languages.

Here are the steps to add localization to your Android app:

  1. Create a new directory for each language: Create a new directory for each language you want to support. The directory name should be in the format values-<language code>, where <language code> is the two-letter ISO 639-1 language code for the language. For example, to add support for French, create a directory named values-fr.

  2. Create string resources for each language: In each directory you created in the previous step, create a strings.xml file and define the string resources for that language. For example, to add support for French, create a strings.xml file in the values-fr directory and define the string resources for French. You can copy the strings.xml file from the default values directory and translate the strings to the desired language.

  3. Access the localized string resources in code: To access the localized string resources in code, use the getString method of the Resources class. For example:

String appName = getResources().getString(R.string.app_name);

This code retrieves the string resource with the ID R.string.app_name and returns the localized string value for the current device configuration.

  1. Test the localization: To test the localization, you can change the language setting on your device or emulator to the language you added support for. This will cause your app to display content in the selected language.

These are the basic steps to add localization to your Android app. Note that there are other things to consider when localizing an app, such as handling right-to-left languages, supporting pluralization and formatting, and providing translated graphics and other assets. But the steps outlined here should give you a good starting point for adding localization to your Android app.