android audiomanager


The Android AudioManager is a class that provides access to the volume and ringer mode control for the audio streams. This class is used to manage audio settings for applications that play audio or video content.

Some of the commonly used methods of the AudioManager class are:

  1. getStreamVolume(int streamType) - This method returns the current volume index for a particular audio stream.

  2. setStreamVolume(int streamType, int index, int flags) - This method sets the volume index for a particular audio stream.

  3. getRingerMode() - This method returns the current ringer mode.

  4. setRingerMode(int ringerMode) - This method sets the ringer mode.

  5. setMode(int mode) - This method sets the audio mode.

  6. setSpeakerphoneOn(boolean on) - This method sets the speakerphone on or off.

These are just a few of the methods available in the AudioManager class. There are several other methods that you can use to manage audio settings for your Android application.