android intents filters

In Android, an Intent Filter is a component that specifies the types of intents that an activity, service, or broadcast receiver can respond to. An Intent Filter is used to declare the types of actions, categories, and data that an application can handle.

Here are some key points to know about Android Intent Filters:

  1. Intent Filters are defined as a separate component in the AndroidManifest.xml file of an application.

  2. An Intent Filter can be used to specify the types of actions, categories, and data that an application can handle.

  3. An action is a string that specifies the type of operation to be performed, such as "ACTION_VIEW" to view data, "ACTION_SEND" to send data, or "ACTION_EDIT" to edit data.

  4. A category is a string that specifies additional information about the intent, such as "CATEGORY_LAUNCHER" to indicate that the intent is used to launch an activity.

  5. Data can be specified using a URI or MIME type, which allows an application to handle specific types of data, such as images, videos, or contacts.

  6. Multiple Intent Filters can be defined for an activity, service, or broadcast receiver, which allows an application to handle multiple types of intents.

  7. When an intent is sent, the Android system matches the intent to the appropriate component based on the intent filter.