android sending sms

In Android, sending SMS messages can be done using the Intent system and the built-in SMS messaging application, or by using the SmsManager class to send SMS messages directly from within the application. Here are some key points to know about sending SMS messages in Android:

  1. The simplest way to send SMS messages in Android is to use the Intent system to launch the built-in SMS messaging application.

  2. To do this, you can create an Intent with the action ACTION_SENDTO, and set the data URI to "smsto:PHONE_NUMBER", where PHONE_NUMBER is the phone number of the recipient.

  3. You can also set additional extras on the Intent, such as the body of the SMS message.

  4. When the Intent is launched, the SMS messaging application will be opened with the recipient and message pre-populated.

  5. Alternatively, you can use the SmsManager class to send SMS messages directly from within the application, without launching the built-in SMS messaging application.

  6. To use the SmsManager class, you can create a new instance of the class, and call the sendTextMessage method, passing in the phone number of the recipient, the sender address (if desired), and the body of the message.

  7. When sending SMS messages using the SmsManager class, you will need to handle any exceptions that may occur, such as network errors or message send failures.