android spelling checker


Android provides built-in support for spelling checking through the SpellChecker framework. The framework allows developers to check the spelling of text input in their applications and provides suggestions for misspelled words.

Here's how to use the Android SpellChecker framework to check the spelling of text input in an Android application:

  1. Create a SpellChecker instance: To create a SpellChecker instance, use the SpellCheckerSession.create() method and pass in a Locale object representing the language of the text.

  2. Start a SpellChecker session: To start a SpellChecker session, call the SpellCheckerSession.getSession() method on the SpellChecker instance and pass in a SpellCheckerSessionListener object to receive the results of the spelling check.

  3. Check the spelling of text: To check the spelling of text, call the SpellCheckerSession.spellCheck() method on the SpellCheckerSession object and pass in the text to be checked and a start index and end index to specify the range of text to check.

  4. Receive spelling suggestions: When the spelling check is complete, the onGetSuggestions() method of the SpellCheckerSessionListener object will be called with a list of spelling suggestions for any misspelled words.

  5. Replace misspelled words: To replace a misspelled word with a suggested word, call the replace() method on the EditText object representing the text input and pass in the start index and end index of the misspelled word and the suggested word.

Here's an example of how to use the Android SpellChecker framework to check the spelling of text input in an EditText object:

// Create a SpellChecker instance
SpellCheckerSession spellCheckerSession = SpellCheckerSession.create(context, Locale.getDefault(), listener, false);

// Start a SpellChecker session
spellCheckerSession.getSpellChecker().getSuggestions(new TextInfo("misspelled text"), 3);

// Receive spelling suggestions in the onGetSuggestions() method of the SpellCheckerSessionListener object

// Replace misspelled words
editText.getText().replace(start, end, suggestedWord);

Note that the Android SpellChecker framework requires the android.permission.READ_USER_DICTIONARY and android.permission.WRITE_USER_DICTIONARY permissions in the app's manifest.