perl function sleep

The sleep function in Perl is used to pause the execution of a script for a specified number of seconds. Here's an example:

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use strict;
use warnings;

print "Sleeping for 5 seconds...\n";
print "Done sleeping!\n";

In this example, we first print a message indicating that we are about to sleep for 5 seconds. We then call the sleep function, passing it an argument of 5 to indicate that we want to sleep for 5 seconds.

After the sleep function returns, we print another message indicating that we are done sleeping.

When this script is run, it will wait for 5 seconds before printing the "Done sleeping!" message. The output of the script will look something like this:

Sleeping for 5 seconds...
Done sleeping!

Note that the sleep function can be used to introduce delays in a script, but it should be used with caution. In long-running scripts or scripts that perform critical tasks, excessive use of sleep can cause delays that slow down the overall performance of the script. It's important to use sleep judiciously and only when necessary.