perl function shutdown

The shutdown function in Perl is used to shut down part of a socket connection. It takes two arguments: a socket filehandle, and a flag indicating whether to shut down the read, write, or both directions of the socket.

Here's an example of using shutdown to shut down the write direction of a socket:

use IO::Socket::INET;

my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
    PeerAddr => '',
    PeerPort => 80,
    Proto    => 'tcp'

# send an HTTP request to the server
print $socket "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n";

# shut down the write direction of the socket
shutdown($socket, 1);

# read the response from the server
while (my $line = <$socket>) {
    print $line;


In this example, an IO::Socket::INET object is created and used to connect to the web server at on port 80 using the HTTP protocol. An HTTP request is then sent to the server using the print function.

After sending the request, the shutdown function is called with the socket filehandle ($socket) and a flag of 1 to shut down the write direction of the socket. This indicates that no more data will be sent to the server.

Finally, a loop is used to read the response from the server one line at a time and print it to the console. Once all data has been received from the server, the socket is closed using the close function.

Note that in this example, only the write direction of the socket is shut down, which allows the server to send a response back to the client. If both the read and write directions of the socket were shut down, the server would not be able to send any data back to the client.