perl function getlogin

The getlogin function in Perl is used to retrieve the login name of the current user.

Here's an example of using getlogin in Perl:

refer to:‮igi‬

use strict;
use warnings;

# Get the login name of the current user
my $login = getlogin();

if (!$login) {
    die "Unable to determine login name";

# Print the login name
print "Login name: $login\n";

In this example, we use the getlogin function to retrieve the login name of the current user. If the login name cannot be determined, we exit with an error message.

If the login name is determined, we print it to the console.

When you run this script, it will print the login name of the current user to the console.

Note that the getlogin function retrieves the login name of the process owner, which may not necessarily be the same as the user who invoked the script. In particular, if the script is run by a user who has elevated privileges (e.g., using sudo), the login name returned by getlogin may be that of the user who started the process rather than the user who ran the script.