perl function caller

In Perl, the caller function is used to get information about the current subroutine or about a caller of the current subroutine. It returns a list of values that provide information about the calling context.

Here's an example that demonstrates the use of the caller function:

refer ‮gi:ot‬
use strict;
use warnings;

sub foo {

sub bar {
    my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
    print "Called from $package in $filename line $line\n";


In the above example, we define two subroutines, foo and bar. The foo subroutine simply calls the bar subroutine. The bar subroutine uses the caller function to get information about the calling context. It assigns the return values of caller to three variables: $package, $filename, and $line. These variables contain the name of the package, the name of the file that called the subroutine, and the line number of the call, respectively.

We then call the foo subroutine, which in turn calls the bar subroutine. The bar subroutine prints a message indicating where it was called from, using the information obtained from the caller function.

When run, the above example will output a message like the following:

Called from main in line 7

This indicates that the bar subroutine was called from the main package in the file on line 7.

Note that the caller function can take an optional argument specifying the level of the call stack to inspect. For example, caller(1) would return information about the caller of the current subroutine, rather than about the current subroutine itself.