perl function symlink


The symlink function in Perl is used to create a symbolic link or symlink to a file. A symbolic link is a special type of file that acts as a pointer or shortcut to another file or directory.

Here's an example of using symlink to create a symlink to a file:

my $original_file = "/path/to/original/file.txt";
my $symlink_file = "/path/to/symlink/file.txt";

symlink($original_file, $symlink_file) or die "Couldn't create symlink: $!";

print "Created symlink to $original_file at $symlink_file\n";

In this example, the symlink function is called with two arguments: the path to the original file ($original_file) and the path to the symlink file ($symlink_file). If the function call succeeds, a symlink to the original file is created at the specified path.

If the symlink function fails for some reason, the die function is called with an error message that includes the system error message ($!).

Finally, a message is printed to the console indicating that a symlink to the original file was created at the specified path.