mongodb update document


To update a document in a MongoDB collection, you can use the updateOne() or updateMany() method. Here are the steps to update a document using the updateOne() method:

  1. Open the MongoDB shell: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the mongo command to open the MongoDB shell.

  2. Switch to the database containing the collection you want to update a document in: Use the use command followed by the name of the database to switch to the database containing the collection. For example, to switch to a database named "mydb", run the following command:

use mydb
  1. Update the document: Use the updateOne() method to update a single document in the collection. For example, to update a document with the field "name" equal to "John" in a collection named "mycollection" and set the "age" field to 35, run the following command:
db.mycollection.updateOne({name: "John"}, {$set: {age: 35}})

The first argument to updateOne() is a filter object that selects the document to update. The second argument is an update object that specifies how to update the document.

  1. Confirm the document has been updated: MongoDB will return a message indicating that the document has been updated. You can also query the collection using the find() method to see the updated document.

Here are the steps to update multiple documents using the updateMany() method:

  1. Open the MongoDB shell: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the mongo command to open the MongoDB shell.

  2. Switch to the database containing the collection you want to update documents in: Use the use command followed by the name of the database to switch to the database containing the collection. For example, to switch to a database named "mydb", run the following command:

use mydb
  1. Update the documents: Use the updateMany() method to update multiple documents in the collection. For example, to update all documents with the field "age" less than 30 in a collection named "mycollection" and set the "age" field to 25, run the following command:
db.mycollection.updateMany({age: {$lt: 30}}, {$set: {age: 25}})
  1. Confirm the documents have been updated: MongoDB will return a message indicating that the documents have been updated. You can also query the collection using the find() method to see the updated documents.