mongodb sort method

In MongoDB, you can use the sort() method to sort the documents in a query result based on one or more fields. The sort() method takes a document as an argument, where each field to sort on is specified with a value of 1 or -1, depending on the desired sorting order.

Here is an example of how to use the sort() method in MongoDB:

refer to:‮editfigi‬
db.collection.find().sort({field1: 1, field2: -1})

In this example, collection is the name of the collection you want to query, and field1 and field2 are the fields you want to sort on. The value of 1 for field1 specifies to sort the documents in ascending order based on field1, while the value of -1 for field2 specifies to sort the documents in descending order based on field2.

You can also use the sort() method with the limit() and skip() methods to paginate through a large result set. For example, to sort the documents in a collection named "mycollection" by the "date" field in ascending order, skip the first 10 documents, and return the next 5 documents, you can use the following query:

db.mycollection.find().sort({date: 1}).skip(10).limit(5)

In this example, the sort({date: 1}) method is used to sort the documents in ascending order based on the "date" field, the skip(10) method is used to skip the first 10 documents in the sorted result set, and the limit(5) method is used to limit the result to the next 5 documents.