mongodb text search


In MongoDB, text search allows you to perform full-text search queries on string content in your database collections. Text search is designed to help you search for documents that contain a specific set of keywords or phrases, and can be used to support a wide range of search use cases.

Here's an overview of how text search works in MongoDB:

  1. Create a Text Index: In order to perform text search queries on a collection, you need to create a text index on one or more fields in the collection. This tells MongoDB to tokenize the text in the field and create an index that can be used for efficient full-text search queries.

  2. Perform a Text Search: Once you've created a text index, you can perform text search queries using the $text operator. The $text operator allows you to search for documents that contain one or more keywords or phrases, and returns documents that match your search criteria in descending order of relevance.

Here's an example of how to use text search in MongoDB:

  1. Create a text index on a field in a collection:
db.articles.createIndex({ title: "text" })
  1. Perform a text search on the indexed field:
db.articles.find({ $text: { $search: "mongodb text search" } })

In this example, we're creating a text index on the "title" field in the "articles" collection, and then searching for documents that contain the keywords "mongodb", "text", and "search" in the "title" field using the $text operator.

Note that text search in MongoDB supports a variety of advanced features, including stemming, stop words, and phrase search. You can also use the $meta projection operator to return additional metadata about the relevance of each search result.