Python built-in Method - tuple()


The tuple() method is a built-in function in Python that is used to create a tuple object. A tuple is an ordered, immutable sequence of elements, which means that once a tuple is created, it cannot be modified.

Here is the syntax for the tuple() method:


The iterable parameter is the object that you want to convert to a tuple. It can be any object that is iterable, such as a list, string, or set.

Here are some examples of using the tuple() method:

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
t = tuple(x)
print(t)    # output: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

s = "hello"
t = tuple(s)
print(t)    # output: ('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o')

In the first example, we create a list x containing the integers 1 to 5, and then use the tuple() method to convert the list to a tuple. In the second example, we create a string s containing the characters "hello", and then use the tuple() method to convert the string to a tuple of characters.

The tuple() method is useful when you need to create an ordered sequence of elements that cannot be modified after creation. Tuples are often used to represent a fixed set of values, such as the coordinates of a point in space or the RGB color values of a pixel in an image.