Python string Method - endswith()

The endswith() method in Python strings returns True if the string ends with a specified suffix, and False otherwise. The suffix is specified as an argument to the endswith() method.

The syntax for the endswith() method is as follows:

refer to‮:‬
string.endswith(suffix, start, end)

Here, string is the string that we want to search, suffix is the suffix that we want to check for, start is the starting index for the search (optional, default is 0), and end is the ending index for the search (optional, default is the end of the string).


# Defining a string
my_string = "hello world"

# Using the endswith() method
result = my_string.endswith('world')

print(result)   # Output: True

In the above example, the endswith() method is used to check if the string my_string ends with the suffix 'world'. Since the string my_string does end with the suffix 'world', the variable result is assigned the value True, which is printed using the print() function. Note that the endswith() method is case-sensitive, so it will not match the suffix 'WORLD' or 'world' if they are in different case.