Python built-in Method - object()


The object() function is a built-in Python method that returns a new empty object. It is the base class for all Python classes and provides the default implementation for several special methods.

The syntax for the object() function is as follows:


Here's an example usage of the object() function:

>>> obj = object()
>>> type(obj)
<class 'object'>

In the above example, we create a new object obj using the object() function. We then use the type() function to confirm that obj is indeed an instance of the object class.

The object() function does not take any arguments and does not provide any special functionality on its own. However, it serves as the base class for all other classes in Python, and provides the default implementation for several special methods such as __eq__, __hash__, __str__, and others. By subclassing object, you can define your own classes that inherit these default implementations, as well as add your own methods and attributes.