servlets session tracking

Session tracking is the process of maintaining state information about a client's interaction with a web application. In Java Servlets, session tracking can be accomplished using the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface.

When a client sends a request to a servlet, the servlet can create a new session or retrieve an existing session by calling the getSession method of the HttpServletRequest object. For example:

refer to:‮itfigi‬
HttpSession session = request.getSession();

If a session does not exist, a new session will be created. If a session already exists, it will be returned.

Once a session has been created or retrieved, you can store data in the session using the setAttribute method:

session.setAttribute("name", "value");

In this example, a new attribute named "name" is added to the session with a value of "value".

To retrieve data from the session, you can use the getAttribute method:

String value = (String) session.getAttribute("name");

In this example, the value of the "name" attribute is retrieved from the session and cast to a string.

You can also remove an attribute from the session using the removeAttribute method:


In addition to storing data in the session, you can also set the session's maximum inactive interval using the setMaxInactiveInterval method:

session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60 * 60); // set the session to expire in 1 hour

In this example, the maximum inactive interval of the session is set to 1 hour (in seconds).

Finally, you can invalidate a session using the invalidate method:


This will cause the session to be destroyed and all of its data to be lost. You should always invalidate a session when a user logs out or when the session is no longer needed.