servlets interface


In the Java Servlet API, there are several interfaces that provide additional functionality for servlets beyond the basic Servlet and GenericServlet classes. Here are some of the most commonly used interfaces in the Servlet API:

  1. HttpServlet: An abstract class that extends GenericServlet and provides additional methods for handling HTTP-specific features such as cookies, sessions, and form data.

  2. ServletRequest: An interface that represents an incoming HTTP request from a client. It provides methods to retrieve information about the request, such as the request method, headers, parameters, and attributes.

  3. ServletResponse: An interface that represents the response that a servlet sends back to the client. It provides methods to set the response status code, headers, and content.

  4. Filter: An interface that allows us to intercept incoming requests and outgoing responses and modify them as necessary. Filters are configured in the web.xml deployment descriptor file and can be used for tasks such as authentication, logging, and compression.

  5. ServletContext: An interface that represents the context in which a servlet runs. It provides methods to retrieve information about the web application, such as its name, version, and initialization parameters. The ServletContext can also be used to store and retrieve attributes that are accessible to all servlets in the web application.

  6. HttpSession: An interface that represents a session between the server and a client. It provides methods to store and retrieve attributes that are associated with the session, as well as to invalidate the session.

  7. RequestDispatcher: An interface that allows us to forward a request to another resource (such as a servlet or JSP) within the same web application. It can also be used to include the output of another resource in the current response.

These interfaces provide additional functionality that makes it easier to build web applications using servlets. By implementing these interfaces and using their methods, we can handle HTTP requests and responses, interact with the web application context, and perform other tasks such as filtering and session management.