servlets class hierarchy


In Java, the Servlet API provides a class hierarchy for creating and managing Servlets. The class hierarchy for Servlets is as follows:

  1. javax.servlet.Servlet: This is the base interface for all Servlets. It defines the basic methods that all Servlets must implement.

  2. javax.servlet.GenericServlet: This is an abstract class that implements the Servlet interface. It provides a default implementation for some of the methods in the Servlet interface, including the init() and destroy() methods. Developers can extend this class to create their own Servlets.

  3. javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet: This is a subclass of GenericServlet that is specifically designed for handling HTTP requests. It provides methods for handling HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other request methods.

  4. javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest: This interface represents an HTTP request. It provides methods for accessing information about the request, such as the request URI, query string parameters, headers, and cookies.

  5. javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse: This interface represents an HTTP response. It provides methods for setting the response status code, headers, and content.

  6. javax.servlet.Filter: This interface represents a filter that can be used to intercept HTTP requests and responses. Filters can be used to perform tasks such as authentication, logging, and compression.

  7. javax.servlet.ServletContext: This interface represents the context in which a Servlet is running. It provides methods for accessing information about the Servlet context, such as context parameters and Servlet context attributes.

  8. javax.servlet.ServletConfig: This interface represents the configuration of a Servlet. It provides methods for accessing initialization parameters and the Servlet context.

These classes and interfaces form the core of the Servlet API, and they are used to create, configure, and manage Servlets and their interactions with HTTP requests and responses.