JavaScript(JS) object method - fromEntries

In JavaScript, the Object.fromEntries() method is a static method that creates a new object from an array of key-value pairs. This method takes an iterable object, such as an array, and returns a new object with properties corresponding to the key-value pairs in the iterable.

The syntax for using Object.fromEntries() is as follows:

refer to:‮aeditfigi‬.com

Where iterable is an iterable object, such as an array of key-value pairs.

Here's an example of using Object.fromEntries():

const entries = [
  ['name', 'John'],
  ['age', 30],
  ['city', 'New York']

const person = Object.fromEntries(entries);

// Output: { name: "John", age: 30, city: "New York" }

In this example, we create an array called entries that contains three key-value pairs. We then call Object.fromEntries() on the entries array to create a new object called person. The resulting person object has properties corresponding to the key-value pairs in the entries array.

It's important to note that Object.fromEntries() only works with iterable objects that contain key-value pairs, such as arrays of arrays or maps. If you pass in an object that doesn't contain key-value pairs, Object.fromEntries() will throw a TypeError. Also, if the iterable contains duplicate keys, the last value for each key will be used in the resulting object.