JavaScript(JS) function method - toString


The toString() method is a built-in function in JavaScript that is available on all function objects. It returns a string representation of the function code.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to use the toString() method:

function exampleFunction(a, b) {
  return a + b;

// Output: "function exampleFunction(a, b) {
//            return a + b;
//         }"

In the example above, the toString() method is called on the exampleFunction function, which returns a string representation of the function code.

Note that the string returned by the toString() method includes the entire function code, including the function signature, function body, and any comments within the function.

The toString() method is useful for debugging and introspection purposes, as it allows you to examine the code of a function programmatically. It can also be used to dynamically generate function code, such as when creating functions programmatically. However, it should be noted that modifying the string returned by the toString() method and then evaluating it as JavaScript code is generally not recommended, as it can introduce security vulnerabilities.