JavaScript(JS) number method - positive_infinity

The Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY property in JavaScript represents the positive infinity value, which is a special value that represents a number that is greater than any other number. It is a property of the global Number object.

Here's an example usage:

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console.log(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); // Infinity
console.log(1 / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); // 0
console.log(-1 / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); // -0

In the above example, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used to represent the positive infinity value. The second call evaluates to positive zero (0) because dividing a positive number by positive infinity results in a positive number that is too small to be represented by the double-precision floating-point format, so it evaluates to positive zero. The third call evaluates to negative zero (-0) because dividing a negative number by positive infinity results in a negative number that is too small to be represented by the double-precision floating-point format, so it evaluates to negative zero.