Java Set Interface


In Java, the Set interface is a part of the java.util package and provides an unordered collection of unique elements. In other words, it contains no duplicate elements and it provides methods to add, remove, and check for the presence of an element.

The Set interface extends the Collection interface, and unlike List, it does not provide a way to access elements by their index.

The most commonly used classes that implement the Set interface are:

  • HashSet: A Set implementation that uses a hash table to store elements. It provides constant-time performance for basic operations like add, remove, and contains.

  • TreeSet: A Set implementation that uses a tree to store elements. It orders the elements based on their natural ordering or using a custom comparator.

  • LinkedHashSet: A Set implementation that extends HashSet and maintains a linked list of the elements in the order they were inserted.

Here are some of the methods provided by the Set interface:

  • add(element): Adds the specified element to the set if it is not already present.

  • remove(element): Removes the specified element from the set if it is present.

  • contains(element): Returns true if the set contains the specified element.

  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the set.

  • isEmpty(): Returns true if the set is empty.

  • clear(): Removes all elements from the set.

Here's an example of using a HashSet:

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class HashSetExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating a HashSet
        Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();

        // Adding elements to the HashSet
        set.add("apple"); // adding a duplicate element

        // Printing the elements of the HashSet

        // Removing an element from the HashSet

        // Checking if an element is present in the HashSet

        // Printing the size of the HashSet

        // Clearing the HashSet

        // Checking if the HashSet is empty


[orange, banana, apple]

In this example, a HashSet is created and elements are added to it. Since HashSet does not allow duplicate elements, the second call to add with the "apple" element is ignored. The remove method is used to remove the "banana" element from the set, and the contains method is used to check if the "orange" element is present in the set. The size method is used to print the number of elements in the set, and the clear method is used to remove all elements from the set. Finally, the isEmpty method is used to check if the set is empty.