Java ListIterator

In Java, a ListIterator is an interface that provides a way to traverse a List in both directions, and also to modify the list during iteration. It extends the Iterator interface and provides additional methods for bidirectional iteration, insertion, and replacement of elements.

The ListIterator interface has the following methods:

  1. boolean hasNext(): Returns true if there are more elements in the list in the forward direction.

  2. E next(): Returns the next element in the list in the forward direction.

  3. boolean hasPrevious(): Returns true if there are more elements in the list in the backward direction.

  4. E previous(): Returns the previous element in the list in the backward direction.

  5. int nextIndex(): Returns the index of the next element in the list in the forward direction.

  6. int previousIndex(): Returns the index of the previous element in the list in the backward direction.

  7. void remove(): Removes the last element returned by the iterator from the underlying list.

  8. void set(E e): Replaces the last element returned by the iterator with the specified element.

  9. void add(E e): Inserts the specified element into the list immediately before the next element that would be returned by next().

Here's an example of how to use a ListIterator in Java:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

public class ListIteratorExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new ArrayList
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

        // Add some elements to the list

        // Create a ListIterator for the list
        ListIterator<String> iterator = list.listIterator();

        // Iterate over the list in the forward direction
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            String element =;

        // Iterate over the list in the backward direction
        while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {
            String element = iterator.previous();



In the example above, we have created an ArrayList of strings, and added three elements to it. We have then created a ListIterator for the list using the listIterator() method of the ArrayList class. We have used a while loop to iterate over the list in the forward direction using the hasNext() and next() methods of the ListIterator. We have then used another while loop to iterate over the list in the backward direction using the hasPrevious() and previous() methods of the ListIterator. We have printed each element to the console using System.out.println().

Note that the ListIterator interface can also be used to insert and replace elements in the list using the add() and set() methods. These methods modify the list during iteration, so it is important to use them carefully to avoid unexpected behavior.