Java EnumSet Vs. EnumMap

EnumSet and EnumMap are both part of the Java Collections Framework and are used to work with enum types.

EnumSet is used to represent a collection of enum values. It is implemented as a bit vector, which makes it very efficient for certain operations, such as checking if a particular enum value is present in the set. EnumSet is a specialized implementation of the Set interface, and it provides all the standard set operations, such as add(), remove(), and contains(). EnumSet is generally used when you need to work with a collection of enum values.

EnumMap, on the other hand, is used to associate a value with each value of an enum type. It is a specialized implementation of the Map interface, and it provides all the standard map operations, such as put(), get(), and containsKey(). EnumMap is generally used when you need to associate a value with each enum value, and you want to be able to look up the value quickly based on the enum value.

In summary, EnumSet is used to represent a collection of enum values, while EnumMap is used to associate a value with each enum value. Both EnumSet and EnumMap provide efficient and type-safe implementations for working with enum types in Java.