C# hello world and program structure

Here's an example of a "Hello World" program in C#:

ref‮ot re‬:theitroad.com
using System;

class HelloWorld
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

The program starts with the using System statement, which allows us to use classes and functions from the System namespace. In this case, we use the Console class to output the message "Hello, World!" to the console.

The class HelloWorld declaration defines a new class named HelloWorld. The static void Main() method is the entry point for the program. This is where the program starts executing when it is run.

Inside the Main() method, we call the Console.WriteLine() method to output the message "Hello, World!" to the console. The Console class is part of the System namespace, which we included at the beginning of the program using the using statement.

When you run this program, you should see the message "Hello, World!" printed to the console.

The basic structure of a C# program is as follows:

using System;

class MyClass
    static void Main()
        // Code goes here

The using statement at the top of the program is used to include any external namespaces that the program requires.

The class declaration defines a new class, which can contain data members (fields) and methods.

The static void Main() method is the entry point for the program, where the program execution starts.

The // Code goes here line is where you would write the actual code for your program.