Node.js basics


Here are some Node.js basics:

  1. Modules: Node.js uses a module system to organize code into reusable units. Each module is a self-contained file that exposes functions, objects, or other values that can be used by other modules. Modules can be created using the module.exports or exports objects, and can be imported using the require function.

  2. Event-driven programming: Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it well-suited for building scalable, high-performance network applications. It provides a set of core modules for handling events, such as the events module, and also allows developers to create their own custom events.

  3. Asynchronous programming: Node.js uses callbacks, promises, and async/await to handle asynchronous operations. Asynchronous programming allows Node.js to handle multiple requests simultaneously without blocking the event loop.

  4. HTTP module: Node.js provides a built-in HTTP module that makes it easy to create HTTP servers and clients. The http.createServer() method can be used to create an HTTP server that listens for incoming requests, and the http.request() method can be used to make HTTP requests to other servers.

  5. File system module: Node.js provides a built-in file system module that makes it easy to read and write files. The fs.readFile() and fs.writeFile() methods can be used to read and write files asynchronously, while the fs.readFileSync() and fs.writeFileSync() methods can be used to read and write files synchronously.

  6. NPM: Node.js has a vast ecosystem of third-party modules that can be installed using the Node Package Manager (NPM). NPM provides a simple way to manage dependencies and share code with other developers.

These are just a few of the basics of Node.js. Node.js is a powerful platform for building scalable, high-performance network applications and provides a wide range of modules and tools for developers.