nodejs(Node.js) modules


Node.js modules are self-contained units of code that can be used to encapsulate related functionality and make it easier to reuse and maintain code. Node.js provides a module system that makes it easy to define, import, and use modules.

There are two types of Node.js modules:

  1. Core modules: These are built-in modules that are part of the Node.js platform and can be used without any additional installation or configuration. Examples include the http module for creating HTTP servers and clients, the fs module for working with the file system, and the path module for working with file paths.

  2. External modules: These are third-party modules that are not part of the Node.js platform and must be installed separately using a package manager such as NPM. External modules can be installed globally or locally to a specific project, and can be imported and used in a Node.js application like any other module.

Node.js modules use the CommonJS module format, which defines modules using the module.exports and require() functions. To define a module, you create a new file and define the module's functionality using the module.exports object. To use a module, you use the require() function to import it into your application.

For example, suppose you have a file called myModule.js that exports a function:

function greet(name) {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

module.exports = {

You can then import this module into another file using the require() function:

const myModule = require('./myModule');

myModule.greet('John'); // Output: Hello, John!

This is just a simple example, but Node.js modules can be used to encapsulate complex functionality and make it easier to maintain and reuse code in a Node.js application.