Python Program - Print Colored Text to the Terminal


here's a Python program that prints colored text to the terminal using the termcolor module:

# import the termcolor module
from termcolor import colored

# print colored text to the terminal
print(colored("Hello, World!", "red"))
print(colored("This is some blue text", "blue"))
print(colored("This text is underlined", "green", attrs=["underline"]))

In this program, we first import the colored function from the termcolor module using the from ... import ... syntax.

We then use the colored() function to print colored text to the terminal. The first argument is the text that we want to print, and the second argument is the color that we want to use. We can use any of the following color names as the second argument: "grey", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", and "cyan". We can also use the additional attribute "bold" to make the text bold, and "underline" to underline the text.

Finally, we use the print() function to print out the colored text.