Python Program - Get a Substring of a String

here's a Python program that gets a substring of a string:

# Define a string
string = "Hello, world!"

# Get a substring using string slicing
substring = string[7:12]

# Print the substring
print("Substring:", substring)

In this program, we define a string called string ("Hello, world!").

To get a substring of the string, we can use string slicing, which allows us to extract a portion of a string by specifying a start index and an end index.

In this example, we use string[7:12] to extract the characters from index 7 (inclusive) to index 12 (exclusive), which corresponds to the substring "world".

We assign the result of string[7:12] to a variable called substring.

Finally, we print the substring using the print() function and string formatting.

If we run this program, the output will be:

Substring: world

Note that string slicing can also be used to extract a substring from the beginning or end of a string by omitting the start or end index, respectively. For example, string[:5] would extract the first 5 characters of the string ("Hello"), while string[-6:] would extract the last 6 characters of the string ("world!").