apache derby retrieve data

To retrieve data from a table in Apache Derby, you can use the SELECT statement. Here is the basic syntax:

SELECT column1, column2, column3, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

Here is an example of retrieving data from a table in Apache Derby:

SELECT name, age, email
FROM students
WHERE age > 30;

In this example, we are selecting the name, age, and email columns from the students table where the age column is greater than 30. The WHERE clause is used to filter the rows returned by the query based on a specific condition.

You can also use the ORDER BY clause to sort the results by a specific column or columns, like this:

SELECT name, age, email
FROM students
WHERE age > 30

This statement selects the same columns as the previous example, but it also sorts the results in ascending order by the name column.

You can use a variety of functions, operators, and keywords in your SELECT statement to customize your query results. You can also use joins, subqueries, and grouping functions to combine data from multiple tables or aggregate data into groups. The SELECT statement is one of the most powerful tools in Apache Derby for retrieving and analyzing data from your database.