apache derby data types

Apache Derby supports a range of data types that are similar to other relational databases. Here are some of the common data types that are available in Apache Derby:

  1. Numeric data types:
  • INTEGER: stores whole numbers with a precision of 32 bits.
  • BIGINT: stores larger whole numbers with a precision of 64 bits.
  • DECIMAL: stores fixed-point decimal numbers with a specified precision and scale.
  • DOUBLE and FLOAT: store floating-point numbers with single and double precision, respectively.
  1. Character and string data types:
  • CHAR: stores fixed-length character strings.
  • VARCHAR: stores variable-length character strings.
  • LONG VARCHAR: stores long variable-length character strings.
  • CLOB: stores large character objects, such as text documents.
  1. Date and time data types:
  • DATE: stores dates with a precision of one day.
  • TIME: stores times with a precision of one millisecond.
  • TIMESTAMP: stores both date and time with a precision of one millisecond.
  1. Binary data types:
  • BLOB: stores large binary objects, such as images or multimedia files.
  • BINARY: stores fixed-length binary data.
  • VARBINARY: stores variable-length binary data.
  1. Miscellaneous data types:
  • BOOLEAN: stores true/false values.
  • ARRAY: stores arrays of values.
  • REF: stores references to a row in another table.

These are just a few examples of data types that are available in Apache Derby. It's important to consult the Derby documentation to learn about the full range of data types and their characteristics, such as storage size, range of values, and supported operations.