Java Annotation @SafeVarargs

The @SafeVarargs annotation is a standard Java annotation that is used to indicate that a method with a variable argument list (varargs) is safe to use.

When you annotate a method with @SafeVarargs, you are telling the Java compiler that the method does not perform any unsafe operations on the varargs parameter. This annotation can help to prevent potential heap pollution issues that can arise when working with varargs.

Here is an example of how to use the @SafeVarargs annotation:

public class MyClass {

  public final <T> void myMethod(T... args) {
    // method body


In this example, the myMethod() method is annotated with @SafeVarargs to indicate that it is safe to use with a varargs parameter. The method takes a variable number of arguments of type T, and the @SafeVarargs annotation ensures that the method does not perform any unsafe operations on the varargs parameter.

When you use the @SafeVarargs annotation, it is important to ensure that your code is actually safe to use with varargs. This means that your code should not perform any unsafe operations on the varargs parameter, such as storing non-reifiable objects in an array or modifying the varargs parameter in any way. By ensuring that your code is safe to use with varargs, you can help to prevent heap pollution issues and improve the safety and reliability of your code.