Java Annotation @SuppressWarnings

The @SuppressWarnings annotation is a standard Java annotation that is used to suppress warnings generated by the Java compiler.

When you annotate a class, method, or statement with @SuppressWarnings, you are telling the Java compiler to ignore certain types of warnings that would normally be generated for that element. This can be useful in cases where you know that a particular piece of code is safe, but would otherwise generate warnings.

Here is an example of how to use the @SuppressWarnings annotation:

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public class MyClass {

  public void myMethod() {
    List myList = new ArrayList();


In this example, the @SuppressWarnings annotation is used to suppress an unchecked warning that would normally be generated for the use of a raw type (List) in the myMethod() method. The annotation takes a single parameter, which is a string that specifies the type of warning to be suppressed.

When you use the @SuppressWarnings annotation, it is important to use it sparingly and only when you are sure that the code is safe. Suppressing warnings can make it harder to maintain and debug your code, so it should be used judiciously.