SQL String Function TRIM()

In SQL, the TRIM() function is used to remove leading and trailing spaces (or other specified characters) from a string. It takes one or two arguments: the first argument is the string to be trimmed, and the optional second argument is a set of characters to be removed from the string.

Here is an example of using the TRIM() function:

refer t‮o‬:theitroad.com
SELECT TRIM('   Hello, World!   ') AS trimmed_string;

In this example, the TRIM() function is used to remove the leading and trailing spaces from the string ' Hello, World! '. The resulting string, 'Hello, World!', is returned as the result of the query.

The TRIM() function can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when working with text data that may have extraneous whitespace, or when comparing strings for equality.

It's important to note that the optional second argument to the TRIM() function specifies the characters to be removed from the string, and can include any combination of characters to be removed. If the second argument is not specified, the default behavior is to remove all leading and trailing whitespace. As always, it's important to consult the documentation for your specific database system to ensure that you are using the function correctly.