Kotlin Object

In Kotlin, an object is a special type of class that is used to create a singleton instance of a class. A singleton is an object that can only have one instance throughout the entire lifetime of an application.

To define an object in Kotlin, you can use the object keyword followed by a name, as shown below:

ref‮e‬r to:theitroad.com
object MySingleton {
    fun doSomething() {
        // ...

In this example, we define a singleton object called MySingleton with a single function doSomething(). This function can be called anywhere in the application by referring to the singleton instance.

You can also extend a class or an interface using an object:

interface MyInterface {
    fun doSomething()

object MyObject : MyInterface {
    override fun doSomething() {
        // ...

In this example, we define an object called MyObject that implements the MyInterface interface. This allows us to define the behavior of MyObject using the functions defined in MyInterface.

Objects are often used to encapsulate utility functions, configuration settings, or other global resources that need to be accessed from different parts of an application. They provide a simple way to create a singleton instance without the need for complex thread-safe initialization code or synchronization mechanisms.