C++ Infinite Loops


In C++, an infinite loop is a loop that runs forever, or until the program is terminated. This can happen if the loop condition is never false, or if there is no condition specified at all. Infinite loops can cause a program to crash or become unresponsive, so it's important to avoid them.

Here's an example of an infinite loop:

while (true) {
    // Code that never changes the value of the loop condition

In this example, the loop condition is always true, so the loop will never exit. The code inside the loop will be executed repeatedly until the program is terminated.

Another example of an infinite loop is a loop with no condition:

for (;;) {
    // Code that never exits the loop

In this example, the loop has no condition specified, so it will continue to execute forever.

To avoid infinite loops, always make sure that your loop condition can become false at some point during the execution of the loop. You can also use break statements to exit a loop early if a certain condition is met, or use a loop counter to limit the number of iterations.

Here's an example of using a loop counter to avoid an infinite loop:

int counter = 0;
while (counter < 10) {
    // Code to execute for each iteration

In this example, the loop will execute 10 times, because the loop condition (counter < 10) will eventually become false after 10 iterations.