steps to create struts 2 application


To create a new Struts 2 application in Java, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Set up the development environment: Before creating a Struts 2 application, you need to set up the development environment as per the instructions provided in the previous question.

  2. Create a new Struts 2 project: Open your IDE, and create a new Struts 2 project. You can choose to use a project template or create a new project from scratch. Ensure that the project has all the necessary Struts 2 libraries, configuration files, and dependencies.

  3. Define the data model: Struts 2 follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, so you need to define the data model that represents the application's business logic. The model can be a Java class, a database table, or an XML file, depending on the application's requirements.

  4. Create the view: The view represents the user interface of the application. In Struts 2, the view is typically implemented as JSP pages or FreeMarker templates. You can create a set of view files that correspond to the application's functionality.

  5. Implement the controller: The controller is responsible for handling user input, invoking the appropriate model logic, and rendering the view. In Struts 2, the controller is implemented as an Action class that receives requests from the user and processes them. You can create one or more action classes that correspond to the application's functionality.

  6. Configure the application: Struts 2 requires several configuration files to work correctly, such as struts.xml, web.xml, and You need to configure these files to specify the application's settings and dependencies.

  7. Test the application: Once you have implemented the model, view, and controller, and configured the application, you can test it by running it on a web server such as Apache Tomcat. You can access the application in a web browser and perform various actions to ensure that it works correctly.

Overall, creating a Struts 2 application requires defining the data model, creating the view, implementing the controller, configuring the application, and testing it thoroughly. Struts 2 provides a powerful and flexible framework for building robust web applications in Java.