Angularjs ng repeat directive

An ng-repeat directive in AngularJS that can be used to create a list of items based on a collection.

The ng-repeat directive works by repeating a template for each item in a collection, which can be an array or an object. The syntax for using ng-repeat is as follows:

<div ng-repeat="item in itemList">
  {{ item }}

In this example, the ng-repeat directive is used to repeat a div element for each item in the itemList array. The item variable represents the current item being rendered in the loop, and its value is interpolated inside the div element using double curly braces.

The ng-repeat directive also provides additional features, such as filtering, sorting, and pagination, which can be used to manipulate the collection before rendering the items. Here is an example of using ng-repeat with filtering and sorting:

<input type="text" ng-model="searchText">
<select ng-model="sortBy">
  <option value="name">Name</option>
  <option value="age">Age</option>

<div ng-repeat="item in itemList | filter:searchText | orderBy:sortBy">
  {{ }} - {{ item.age }}

In this example, the ng-repeat directive is used to repeat a div element for each item in the itemList array after applying a filter based on the searchText variable and sorting based on the sortBy variable, which is bound to a select element. The item variable represents an object with name and age properties, which are interpolated inside the div element.