JavaScript(JS) JS print all prime numbers in an interval


To print all prime numbers in a given interval using JavaScript, you can use the following code:

function printPrimes(start, end) {
  for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    let isPrime = true;
    for (let j = 2; j <= Math.sqrt(i); j++) {
      if (i % j === 0) {
        isPrime = false;
    if (isPrime && i > 1) {

// Example usage:
printPrimes(1, 100);

In this code, we define a function called printPrimes that takes in two parameters, start and end, representing the interval to search for prime numbers.

We then loop through each number in the interval using a for loop. For each number, we check if it is prime by looping through all numbers from 2 to the square root of the number. If the number is divisible by any of these numbers, then it is not prime and we set the isPrime variable to false. We then use an if statement to check if isPrime is still true after the inner loop and if the number is greater than 1 (since 1 is not considered prime). If so, we print the number to the console using console.log().