java readwritelock and reentrantreadwritelock example

ReadWriteLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock are classes provided by Java's concurrency utilities that allow multiple threads to read from a shared resource simultaneously while ensuring that only one thread can write to the resource at a time. This can help to improve performance by allowing concurrent reads, while still maintaining data consistency by preventing multiple threads from writing to the resource simultaneously.

Here's an example of how to use ReentrantReadWriteLock in Java:

  1. Creating a ReentrantReadWriteLock:
refer to:‮itfigi‬
ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
  1. Creating a ReadLock and a WriteLock from the ReentrantReadWriteLock:
ReadWriteLock.ReadLock readLock = lock.readLock();
ReadWriteLock.WriteLock writeLock = lock.writeLock();
  1. Acquiring the ReadLock to allow multiple threads to read from the resource simultaneously:
try {
    // read from the resource
} finally {
  1. Acquiring the WriteLock to allow one thread to write to the resource while preventing others from reading or writing:
try {
    // write to the resource
} finally {

In this example, the ReentrantReadWriteLock is used to protect a shared resource that can be read from or written to by multiple threads. The ReadLock is used to allow multiple threads to read from the resource simultaneously, while the WriteLock is used to ensure that only one thread can write to the resource at a time. The try-finally block is used to ensure that the lock is released, even if an exception is thrown while reading or writing to the resource.

ReentrantReadWriteLock is useful in situations where you have a shared resource that is read more often than it is written to, and where data consistency is important. By allowing multiple threads to read from the resource simultaneously, you can improve performance and reduce contention, while still ensuring that data is consistent by preventing multiple threads from writing to the resource simultaneously.