maven shade plugin


The Maven Shade Plugin is a plugin for Apache Maven that creates a shaded JAR file from a Maven project. A shaded JAR file is a JAR file that includes all of the dependencies of the project, along with the project's classes and resources.

The main use case for the Shade Plugin is when you want to create a single, executable JAR file for your project that includes all of its dependencies. This is useful for distributing your project as a single file that can be easily deployed and run on different environments.

When the Shade Plugin is executed, it analyzes the project's dependencies and merges them into a single JAR file. The plugin can also rename the packages of the project's dependencies to avoid conflicts with other dependencies.

The Shade Plugin can also be used to repackage classes from dependencies into the project's own package structure. This can be useful when you want to make modifications to a third-party library, but you don't want to modify the original library.

The Shade Plugin is easy to configure and use. To use the plugin, you simply add a configuration section to your project's pom.xml file. Here is an example configuration that creates a shaded JAR file:


This configuration will create a shaded JAR file during the package phase of the Maven build. The createDependencyReducedPom configuration element is used to disable the creation of a reduced POM file, which is a POM file that excludes the project's dependencies.

Overall, the Maven Shade Plugin is a powerful tool for creating self-contained, executable JAR files for Maven projects.