javafx charts


JavaFX provides a set of chart controls that make it easy to visualize data in a variety of formats, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, area charts, and more. These chart controls are provided in the javafx.scene.chart package and can be easily customized and styled using CSS.

Here are some of the key features of JavaFX charts:

  1. Flexible data models: JavaFX charts support a wide range of data models, including ObservableList, ObservableMap, and ObservableArray. This makes it easy to update the chart data dynamically in response to user input or data changes.

  2. Customizable axes: JavaFX charts provide support for customizing the appearance and behavior of the axes, including setting the tick labels, axis ranges, and tick mark positions.

  3. Styling with CSS: JavaFX charts can be styled using cascading style sheets (CSS), allowing developers to customize the appearance of the chart to match the look and feel of their application.

  4. Interactivity: JavaFX charts provide support for interactivity, including hover effects, tooltips, and selection handling. This makes it easy to build rich, interactive data visualizations that respond to user input.

  5. Animation: JavaFX charts provide support for animating the chart data, making it easy to create dynamic and engaging visualizations.

  6. Exporting: JavaFX charts can be exported to a variety of formats, including image files and PDF documents. This makes it easy to include charts in reports or other documents.

Overall, JavaFX charts provide a powerful and flexible platform for visualizing data in JavaFX applications, and their rich set of features and customization options make them a popular choice for data visualization and reporting.