Apache ant build documentation


Apache Ant provides a built-in task called "javadoc" that can be used to generate documentation for a Java project. The "javadoc" task reads the Java source code and generates HTML documentation that can be viewed in a web browser.

Here's an example of how to use the "javadoc" task in an Ant build file:

<target name="javadoc">
  <javadoc destdir="${doc.dir}">
    <sourcepath path="${src.dir}"/>
      <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/mylibrary.jar"/>
    <package name="com.example.myproject"/>

In this example, the "javadoc" task is defined as a target called "javadoc". The "destdir" attribute specifies the directory where the documentation should be generated. The "sourcepath" element specifies the location of the source code to be documented, and the "classpath" element specifies the location of any libraries that the source code depends on. The "package" element specifies the name of the package to be documented.

To run the "javadoc" task, simply run the Ant command with the "javadoc" target:

ant javadoc

This will generate the documentation in the specified directory, which can then be viewed in a web browser.

Note that the "javadoc" task supports many other options and attributes, such as specifying the output format, adding custom doclets, and excluding certain classes or packages from the documentation. For more information, see the Apache Ant documentation on the "javadoc" task.