C programming - identifier


An identifier in C programming is a name given to a variable, function, or other user-defined entity. Identifiers are used to refer to these entities in the code and must follow certain rules and conventions.

Here are some rules for naming identifiers in C:

  • Identifiers must start with a letter (upper or lowercase) or an underscore.
  • After the first character, identifiers can also contain digits (0-9).
  • Identifiers are case-sensitive, meaning that num and Num are considered different identifiers.
  • Identifiers cannot be the same as a C keyword, such as if, while, int, float, and so on.

In addition to these rules, there are some conventions that are commonly followed when naming identifiers:

  • Use descriptive names that indicate the purpose of the variable or function. For example, num_students is more descriptive than n.
  • Use camelCase or snake_case to separate words in the identifier. CamelCase capitalizes the first letter of each word after the first, while snake_case separates words with underscores. For example, firstName or last_name.
  • Use all caps to indicate a constant value. For example, MAX_VALUE.

Here are some examples of valid and invalid identifiers:

// valid identifiers
int age;
float height_in_cm;
double _pi;
void (*function_ptr)();

// invalid identifiers
int 123abc;   // cannot start with a digit
float first-name;   // cannot contain hyphens
char char;    // cannot be a keyword

In summary, identifiers are important in C programming because they provide a way to refer to variables, functions, and other entities in the code. By following the rules and conventions for naming identifiers, you can make your code more readable and maintainable.