CSS 使用溢出时在移动设备/ios 上滚动缓慢:滚动

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时间:2020-08-30 11:33:47  来源:igfitidea点击:

Scrolling slow on mobile/ios when using overflow:Scroll


提问by grasesed

To setup an off-canvas menu I have to set the body to "overflow:hidden" to remove scrolling from the body and add it back in to a container around the content with "overflow-y:scroll". When I do this it seems to slow the scrolling on mobile specifically iOS devices.

要设置画布外菜单,我必须将正文设置为“溢出:隐藏”以从正文中删除滚动并将其添加回带有“溢出-y:滚动”的内容周围的容器中。当我这样做时,它似乎会减慢移动设备(尤其是 iOS 设备)的滚动速度。

Is there some sort of performance issue with moving the scrollbar from the body?


回答by sjm

Rather than a performance issue this is likely that your not seeing 'Momentum' scrolling on your iOS device

这可能不是性能问题,而是您在 iOS 设备上看不到“Momentum”滚动

This can be solved by adding '-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch' to your scrolling element i.e:


.scrolling-content {
   overflow-y: scroll;
   -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
   height:100%; /*A value other than height:auto needs to be set*/

By default iOS devices use 'momentum' scrolling on the body but adding 'overflow-y:scroll' to an element does Not set a element to 'momentum' scrolling by default

默认情况下,iOS 设备在主体上使用“momentum”滚动,但将“overflow-y:scroll”添加到元素不会默认将元素设置为“momentum”滚动

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-overflow-scrollingfor more info


Note: there's a number of Gotcha/Bugs with using -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch on certain browsers

注意:使用 -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch 在某些浏览器上有很多问题/错误